Always Learning, Sharing Information, Getting Experience

Student Experts

BIM Student Experts program develops young professionals in BIM. In this context, program collaborates with students, who are both successful and potential leaders. 

  • It supports educational progress of the student experts through the mentorship programs and interactions.
  • Student Experts organize activities to foster BIM awareness in the academic environment.

Join the Student Expert Network

Get in touch with industry professionals. If you want to build your career in Building Information Modelling, apply for student expert program, now.

Build Your Career

Develop your skills by learning new technologies in Building industry. Support these skills with strong networks by organizing activities

Student Experts Categories

BIM Student


  • Priority in BIM 4 Turkey events

  • Access to BIM 4 Turkey educational resources

  • Right to participate in B4T Mentorship Programme


  • Attendance to the education programmes

  • Active participation to Mentorship programme

BIM Student Expert


  • Priority in BIM 4 Turkey events

  • Access to BIM 4 Turkey educational resources

  • Right to participate in B4T Mentorship Programme

  • Opportunity to have an international BIM internship

  • Right to participate in BIM education camps

  • Privilige to be recognized as BIM Student Expert

  • B4T BIM Student Expert Kit


  • Raising BIM awareness in universities and vicinities

  • Planning local trainings and workshops for B4T

  • Creating B4T University community

  • Provide training under B4T

  • Educating new student experts

  • Active participation to Mentorship programme

BIM Student Ambassador


  • Priority in BIM 4 Turkey events

  • Access to BIM 4 Turkey educational resources

  • Right to participate in B4T Mentorship Programme

  • Privilege to represent B4T in international events

  • Opportunity to have an international BIM internship

  • Right to participate in BIM education camps

  • Privilige to be recognized as BIM Student Expert

  • B4T BIM Student Expert Kit


  • Raising BIM awareness in universities and vicinities

  • Planning and organizing local trainings and workshops for B4T

  • Creating B4T University community

  • Provide training under B4T

  • Educating new student experts

  • Active participation to Mentorship programme

B4T Alumni


  • Priority in BIM 4 Turkey events

  • Access to BIM 4 Turkey educational resources

  • Opportunity to have an international BIM internship

  • Privilige to be recognized as BIM Student Expert

  • Access to job opportunities and B4T connection network


  • Participation to BIM4TURKEY events

  • Supporting B4T communities

Past Events

image description

BIM and GIS Integration: Digital Transformation Applications with ArcG

BIM and GIS Integration: Digital Transformation Applications with ArcGIS